"Craft Your Rhythm of Your Life as A Masterpiece"
Preventive Cardiology Clinic
Heart disease is a global leading cause of death and disability, though in many cases it can be prevented and even reversed. At the BMDS Wellness Clinic, we provide comprehensive screening programs for heart disease that go beyond conventional blood profile testing by examining genetic markers that indicate mutations linked to heart disorders. Carotid Doppler ultrasonography may also be performed as it can be a valuable predictor of embolic event risk (e.g., blockage of a blood vessel due to a blood clot).
Following your screening, your doctor will provide a detailed consultation of your results and risk factors, and work with you to develop a heart health program designed to meet your individual needs. These may include dietary counseling, personalized supplements to address deficiencies and imbalances, and exercise programs tailored to meet your needs and ability

Start a journey of Good Health with a Healthy Heart

BWC Ultrasound Carotid Artery

Prevent cardiovascular disease to avoid sudden cardiac arres...

Good health begins with a healthy heart
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Director of Preventive Cardiology Clinic

Sports Cardiologist
Contact Us
Preventive Cardiology Clinic
2/4 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Opening Hours:
Line: @bdmswellnessclinic or https://lin.ee/Z4So1yQ