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Mon-Fri 07:00 - 20:00
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Hormone Testing

คลินิกรักษาผู้มีบุตรยาก และส่งเสริมสุขภาพสตรี Fertility & Women Wellness Clinic


    Blood tests for hormone levels shows how female ovarian and male testicles functions. It serves as a guideline for diagnosis and providing treatment with ovarian stimulation drugs and the testicles in fertility.


Screening program for fertility causes.
The cause of fertility is both from the female and the male.


  • Female Side
    1. Check for ovarian hormones
    2. Draw blood to check for hormones
    3. Basic blood test kit
    4. Thalassemia screening test
    5. Uterus ultrasound


  • Male Side
    1. Check the semen quality 1 time (Refrain from ejaculation for 3-5 days before the examination)
    2. Thalassemia screening test
    3. Basic blood test kit


For more information, please contact

Tel +6628269971​

Line: @womenandfertility or


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